It is mandatory for every person to have a driving license issued by the government to drive a vehicle. The currency can be deducted for driving without a valid license. In that case, keep your driver's license with you whenever you drive. If you haven't got a driver's license yet, we're telling you how to get one. Although the driving license used to be done offline, now it can be applied online after the government changes the rules. First find out how many types of driving licenses there are.
3 What are the types of driving licenses?
Before applying for a driving license online, it is very important for you to know how many types of driving licenses there are. Only then do you apply for your driver's license online
Types of driving licenses
Learning License
Permanent license
International driving license
Duplicate driving license
Light motor vehicle license
Heavy motor vehicle license
Documents required for driving license
Before applying for a driving license online, it is very important that you have some important documents with you. Only then can you apply for a driving license online. Such as ration card, voter ID card, electricity bill or Aadhaar card
How to apply for a learning license online
To create a driving license, first of all, it is very important for you to have a learning license. Only then can you apply for a driver's license online. So let's find out first
How to apply for a learning license online
Step-1: First open sarathi.parivahan.gov.in in browser.
Step-2: After opening the page, click on “License Application and Appointment System” option.
Step-3: Now a new page will open in which click on the “New” option at the top.
Step-4: Now the application form for Learner License (LL) will open in which you have to fill the form and submit your state, RTO office, personal details, address, vehicle class details.
Step-5: After submitting the application form, you have to upload the documents, photo and your signature or you can check the age and address with your Aadhaar card. After this you have to choose the time for the test schedule. And by making the payment, the application form has to be filled.
How to apply for a driving license online
If you want to apply for a driving license online, it is very important for you to have an Aadhaar card for proof of address and age. So let us know how to apply for a driving license online.
Step-1: First of all, you open the website in the browser.
Step-2: Then you choose your state.
Step-3: Now some options will come in front of you where you can click on “Apply Online” and click on “New Driving License”.
Step-4: Now a new page will open in front of you where you will see the “Continue” option, click on it.
Step-5: You will then need to enter “Learner License Number” and date of birth in your options and click OK.
Step-6: Now the driving license online form will be open on your screen. All the information requested in it has to be filled properly and some documents have to be uploaded.
Step-7: Then choose any time and date you like to give your driving test.
Step-8: Then pay the driving license fee by credit or debit card.
Step-9: After filling in all the information correctly, click on the 'Submit' button at the end of the form. After this your form goes to the RTO office.
Upon submitting the form you will see an auto generated web application number on the screen. Take note of it and keep it well.
Get a license - click hereclick here
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Conclusion - So friends today we told you "How to apply for a driving license online" We hope you now understand how to apply for a driving license online. If you liked our information, be sure to share this article with your friends. Thank you